NOTES : This section is devoted to varieties that will withstand winter conditions outside, but it must be added that care should be taken in planting them out in sheltered conditions. It is also advisable to cover the crowns with peat or bracken to protect them in winter.
ABBREVIATIONS : D - Double, S/D - Semi-double, Sgl - Single,
T - Tube, S - Sepals, C - Corolla.
ABBREVIATIONS : D - Double, S/D - Semi-double, Sgl - Single,
T - Tube, S - Sepals, C - Corolla.
ACHIEVEMENTSgl. T & S, carmine. C, magenta. Upright habit.
ADMIRATIONSgl. T & S, bright red. C, indian lake. Long medium blooms. Lax bush.
ALICE HOFFMANS/D. T & S, rose. C, white. Small flowers but profuse. Small foliage of bronze green colour. Upright compact bush. Dwarf, 1.5 - 2.0 Ft.
AMERICANA ELEGANSSgl. T & S, red. C, purple. Small flowers but very free. Upright and bushy. A good hedge, 3 - 4 Ft.
A. M. LARWICKSgl. T & S, rich carmine. C, purplish-mauve. Upright and bushy. Flowers free and of medium size.
ARMY NURSES/D. T & S, deep carmine. C, bluish violet flushed pink at base. Flowers small but profuse. Upright and bushy.
BEACONSgl. T & S, deep pink. C, bright mauvish pink. Medium flowers, very free. Upright and bushy.
BEAUTY OF CLIFF HALLSgl. T & S, white tinged pink. C, pink. Flowers small and free.
BLUE BUSHSgl. T & S, rose red. C, bluebird blue maturing and paling to bishops violet. Medium sized blooms. Very hardy and suitable for hedging.
BLUE GOWND. T & S, scarlet. C, blue changing to purple, splashed carmine and pink.
BRILLIANTSgl. T & S, scarlet. C, violet-magenta. Medium sized blooms. Upright bush.
BRUTUSSgl. T & S, rich cerise. C, rich dark purple. Medium sized blooms. Very profuse and early. Upright and vigorous bush.
CALEDONIASgl. T & S, cerise. C, crimson. Medium blooms. Very free flowering. Makes a good low hedge up to 2 Ft.
CARMENS/D. T & S, cerise. C, purple. Smallish blooms but profuse. Dwarf upright habit 1.5Ft.
CHARMINGSgl. T & S, carmine. C, rosy purple, cerise at base. Medium sized blooms. Upright and bushy.
CHECKERBOARDSgl. T & S, red to white. C, red but deeper than the tube, white at base. Flowers long and of medium size. Profuse bloomer. Upright and vigorous.
CHILLERTON BEAUTYSgl. T & S, pale pink tipped green. C, purple veined pink. Small blooms but profuse. Upright and bushy.
CHINA LANTERNSgl. T & S, deep pink to white. C, rosy pink, white at base. Medium sized blooms and free flowering. Upright and bushy.
C. J. HOWLETTSgl. T & S, reddish pink. C, bluish-carmine, pink at base. Smallish flowers but freely produced. Upright and bushy.
CONSPICUASgl. T & S, bright scarlet. C, milky white, slightly veined scarlet. Small flowers but profuse. Upright and bushy.
CONSTANCED. T & S, soft pink. C, bluish-mauve, tinted pink. Medium sized blooms, very free. Upright and bushy.
CORALLINASgl. T & S, scarlet. C, rich purple. Medium sized blooms and free. Lax spreading bush, very vigorous. Suitable as a hedge up to 3 Ft.
CURLY QSgl. T & S, pale carmine. C, violet-purple. Small blooms. Grey-green foliage. Lax bush.
DANIAL LAMBERTSgl. T & S, cerise. C, magenta. Upright and bushy.##
DECUSSATASgl. T & S, red with faint green tips. C, reddish-purple. Upright and spreading bush.
DELTA'S SARAHDISPLAYSgl. T & S, rose pink. C, deeper rose-pink. Saucer-shaped, medium sized blooms. Upright and self-branching.
DOLLAR PRINCESSD. T & S, cerise. C, rich purple. Early flowers, medium and very free. Upright habit.
DOROTHYSgl. T & S, bright crimson. C, violet veined red. Medium blooms and free. Upright habit. Suitable for a hedge up to 3 Ft.
DRAMESgl. T & S, scarlet. C, deep purple. Upright & bushy. Low hedge up to 2 Ft.
EVA BOERGS/D. T & S, pinkish white tipped green. C, pinkish-purple, paling at base and splashed pink. Medium sized blooms. Lax low bush, up to 2 Ft.
FLASHSgl. T & S, light red. C, light magenta red. Small blooms but prolific.
FLASHLIGHTSgl. T & S, pale pink. C, pale rose. Flowers are small, very free. Dwarf bush up to 1Ft.
FLORENCE TURNERSgl. T & S, pink to white. C, pale pinkish purple. Flowers medium and free. Upright and bushy. Up to 2.5 Ft.
FRUHLINGD. T & S, cerise. C, bluish-purple. Upright and bushy.
GENERAL MONKD. T & S, rose. C, blue fading to to mauvish blue. Medium blooms. Very free flowering. Upright habit.
GENIISgl. T & S, cerise. C, rich violet. Small flowers but profuse. Small light yellowish foliage with red stems. Upright and bushy. Up to 2.5 Ft.
GOLONDRINASgl. T & S, rose madder. C, magenta, streaked light pink. Large flowers and free. Upright spreading habit.
GRACILIS VARIEGATASgl. T & S, red. C, purple. Silvery white foliage. Upright habit. Low hedge up to 2.5 Ft.
GRACILIS VERSICOLOURSgl. T & S, red. C, purple. Silvery grey foliage. Heaight up to 2.5 Ft.
GRAF WITTESgl. T & S, carmine. C, purple shaded rosy-mauve. Flowers small and profuse. Upright spreading bush. Foliage yellowish green.
HANS NIELSENSgl. Turkey red self. Similar to Rufus. Upright and bushy.
HAWKSHEADSgl. T & S, white, C, white. Very tiny flowers but profuse. Up to 4 Ft high.
HERALDSgl. T & S, scarlet. C, deep purple. Medium blooms. Upright and bushy.
HERONSgl. T & S, deep scarlet. C, bluish-magenta veined scarlet. Largish blooms and free. Upright and bushy.
HOWLETTS HARDYSgl. T & S, scarlet. C, violet purple veined scarlet. Flowers large and free. Upright and bushy. Up to 2.5 Ft.
JOAN COOPERSgl. T & S, pale rose tipped green. C, cherry red. Smallish blooms and profuse. Upright and bushy.
LADY BOOTHBYSgl. T & S, crimson. C, blackish-purple, veined cerise. Flowers small but free. Very vigorous upright habit. Suitable hedging up to 4 Ft. Also makes a good greenhouse climber.
LADY THUMBSgl. T & S, carmine. C, white, slightly veined carmine.
LENAS.D. T & S, flesh pink. C, rosy purple. Medium blooms, very free. Upright habit.
LIEBRIEZSgl. T & S, pale pink. C, pinkish white veined pink. Small profuse blooms. Upright and bushy.
MADAME CORNELISSENS/D. T & S, rich scarlet. C, white veined cerise. Smallish flowers but very free. Strong upright bush. Suitable as a hedge up to 3 Ft.
MAGELLANICA ALBASgl. T & S, white. C, white flushed lilac. Very small blooms but prolific.Vigorous upright habit. Makes a good hedge up to 4 Ft.
MAGELLANICA AUREASgl. T & S, scarlet. C, purple. Small blooms. Yellowish foliage.
MAGELLANICA GRACILISSgl. T & S, red. C, purple. Strong vigorous growth. Suitable as a hedge. Small blooms.
MARGARETS/D. T & S, carmine scarlet. C, violet veined cerise. Medium sized blooms. Upright and bushy. Suitable as hedging up to 4 Ft.
MARGARET BROWNSgl. T & S, deep pink. C, pink veined rose pink. Small blooms but free. Upright and bushy. Up to 2 - 3 Ft.
Sgl. T & S, rosy-red. C, pale violet purple. Medium sized blooms. Very free and held upright. Growth upright and bushy.
MR. A. HUGGETSgl. T & S, cerise. C, mauve pink, edged lilac magenta. Smallish flowers but free. Upright and bushy. Up to 2 Ft.
MRS. POPPLESgl. T & S, cerise red. C, purple veined cerise, light cerise in the centre. Medium flowers and free. Upright and vigorous bush. Makes a good hedge up to 3 - 4 Ft.
NEUE WELTSgl. T & S, rich red. C, dark palma violet. Small flowers and free. Upright habit up to 2.5 Ft.
NICOLA JANED. T & S, cerise tipped green. C, pale pink flushed and veined cerise. Medium blooms and free. Upright and bushy.
PAPOOSESgl. T & S, bright red. C, very dark purple. Small flowers but prolific. Low bush. Height up to 2 Ft.
PATRICIASgl. T & S, waxy salmon. C, rosy cerise. Small blooms and free. Upright.
PEE WEE ROSES/D. T & S, red. C, pale rose. Small flowers but profuse. Lax upright.
PHYLISSS/D. T & S, rose. C, deep rose. Medium blooms and free. Up to 3 Ft.
PRESIDENTSgl. T & S, bright red. C, reddish cerise, scarlet at base.
PRODIGYSgl. T & S, scarlet. C, violet. Upright and bushy.
PROSPERITYLarge D. T & S, waxy scarlet. C, pale neyron rose flushed and veined rose red. Strong upright growth.
PUMILLASgl. T & S, crimson. C, dark purple. Tiny flowers but profuse. Natural dwarf suitable for a rockery.
RICARTONIISgl. T & S, scarlet. C, purple. Small bloms. Upright and bushy. Suitable as a hedge 3 - 4 Ft.
ROSE OF CASTILLE IMPROVEDSgl. T & S, flesh pink tipped green. C, violet veined deep pink ageing to reddish purple. Medium blooms. Upright bush.
SCHNEEWITCHENSgl. T & S, deep pink. C, purplish pink. Upright and bushy.
SHARPITORSgl. T & S, pale pinkish white. C, slightly deeper pink.
SNOWCAPS/D. T & S, bright red. C, white lightly veined cerise. Medium blooms and free. Upright and bushy.
SON OF THUMBSgl. T & S, cerise. C, lilac. Prolific bush. Dwarf habit.
TENESSEE WALTZS/D. T & S, rose madder. C, lilac lavender. Medium blooms. Upright.
THE TARNSSgl. T & S, pale pink. C, violet to rose. Medium flowers. Upright and bushy. Up to 2.5 Ft.
THOMSONIISgl. T & S, bright scarlet. C, purple. Small profuse blooms. Makes a good hedge up to 4 Ft.
TOM THUMBSgl. T & S, carmine. C, mauve, veined carmine. Small blooms but prolific. Dwarf compact habit.
TRASES/D. T & S, carmine. C, white veined and flushed carmine. Medium blooms and free. Upright bush. Up to 2 Ft.
WHITE PIXIESgl. T & S, carmine. C, white veined pink. Smallish blooms, very free. Yellowish-green foliage with crimson veins. Makes a good hedge up to 3 Ft.